
I'm Lisa, the "Berg" behind "Art by Iceberg."

My parents were lifelong "makers." Mom could make something from anything, and she held craft shows in our home several times a year. Dad loved his scroll saw and woodworking... not to mention, he built an entire addition onto our home with his own two hands. 

The apple didn't fall too far from the tree, as I love nothing more than being in my workshop, creating. Whether it's designing, sanding, painting... you name it. I even enjoy the photography and writing/listing part of e-commerce!

I started my online maker journey in 2006 with wedding-related items. I pivoted my business in 2022 to not only expand, but also start a new business with Art by Iceberg. Thanks to some fantastic new equipment, newfound wisdom, and lots of inspiration, I'll be making everything from small earrings to engraved tumblers to layered wall art. From humorous to beautiful, you'll see it all.

Items will be added as soon as they're made, so please keep an eye on this Web site, on the Etsy and eBay stores of the same name, and also on social media - mainly Facebook and Instagram. Everything has the same "ArtByIceberg" handle. 

Sooooo many wonderful things in the future. Stay tuned, and thank you so much for your support and interest!

-Lisa ("Iceberg")